St. Bronislava Faith Formation
From Preschool to Adult, we are ALL God's Children!
St. Bronislava Parish has so many wonderful opportunities for you and your family to deepen your faith! We offer multiple programs for ALL ages - please see the information below to explore what we have to offer!
Our school-age Faith Formation programs at St. Bronislava emphasize the role of the parents as the primary educators of their children. This is done through their example and words, including participation in the Mass. Our job at St. Bronislava is to assist families in that task by helping the children get to know Jesus Christ more fully through the Sacraments and Church life. It takes the time, talent, and resources of our entire parish community to provide excellent religious education programs for our children and youth. Over 30 volunteer catechists have committed themselves to training to enable them to teach and to assist children and youth into a deeper relationship with Christ. |
Contact Us!
Jody Glodowski Director of Children's Formation Grades K-6, 7-8 (715) 341-6700 x4207 Jodi Moss Confirmation Coordinator Grades 9-12 (715) 341-6700 x4214 Kim Hodgson Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant (715) 341-6700 x4202 Julie Studinski Adult Faith Formation (715) 344-4326 x4204 |
Preschool - K
Gospel Time
The Spirit touches the lives of our little ones in their own Liturgy of the Word. They are called from the church to join their leader where the Gospel story is told and children are engaged in song and/or activity as a response. Children return to church for the Eucharistic Prayer. Gospel Time takes place during 10:00am Masses.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
This program is currently located at Holy Spirit parish in Stevens Point.
Grades 1-6
Family Formation
The elementary students will be enrolled as a family in the Family Formation program. During a monthly Wednesday church gathering, children meet in grade-specific class settings while parents gather for adult catechesis. Families are given a packet of weekly Home Lessons to use at home throughout the remainder of the month. Home Lessons are engaging, down-to-earth, and easy to understand. This shared learning experience develops traditions and knowledge that overflows into families’ everyday lives.
Second Grade Sacraments
During their second grade year (typically), students receive their First Reconciliation & First Communion. Preparation is coordinated through the parish, whether your children attend Family Formation, Catholic School, or HomeStudy.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) welcomes those children and youth who are coming into the Catholic Community for the first time or returning after a prolonged absence. These children and youth will prepare and celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation–Baptism, Eucharist and, if appropriate, Confirmation.
Vacation Bible Camp
Every summer, we welcome participants (4 years old - 5th grade) & some awesome volunteers (6th grade - Adults) to St. Bronislava Parish for an incredible week of fun & faith!
Gospel Time
The Spirit touches the lives of our little ones in their own Liturgy of the Word. They are called from the church to join their leader where the Gospel story is told and children are engaged in song and/or activity as a response. Children return to church for the Eucharistic Prayer. Gospel Time takes place during 10:00am Masses.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
This program is currently located at Holy Spirit parish in Stevens Point.
Grades 1-6
Family Formation
The elementary students will be enrolled as a family in the Family Formation program. During a monthly Wednesday church gathering, children meet in grade-specific class settings while parents gather for adult catechesis. Families are given a packet of weekly Home Lessons to use at home throughout the remainder of the month. Home Lessons are engaging, down-to-earth, and easy to understand. This shared learning experience develops traditions and knowledge that overflows into families’ everyday lives.
Second Grade Sacraments
During their second grade year (typically), students receive their First Reconciliation & First Communion. Preparation is coordinated through the parish, whether your children attend Family Formation, Catholic School, or HomeStudy.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) welcomes those children and youth who are coming into the Catholic Community for the first time or returning after a prolonged absence. These children and youth will prepare and celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation–Baptism, Eucharist and, if appropriate, Confirmation.
Vacation Bible Camp
Every summer, we welcome participants (4 years old - 5th grade) & some awesome volunteers (6th grade - Adults) to St. Bronislava Parish for an incredible week of fun & faith!
Grades 7-8
Middle School Faith Formation
Using the Lifeteen's Edge program, our Middle School Faith Formation program will focus on a balance between understanding the Catholic Faith through the Creed, Sacraments, the Commandments, and Prayer, all while we are building meaningful relationships, especially with Jesus Christ, and living out the mission of God and our Church!
Middle School Faith Formation
Using the Lifeteen's Edge program, our Middle School Faith Formation program will focus on a balance between understanding the Catholic Faith through the Creed, Sacraments, the Commandments, and Prayer, all while we are building meaningful relationships, especially with Jesus Christ, and living out the mission of God and our Church!
Grades 9-11
Year I & II (Grade 9-10)
During the first two years of the Confirmation Program, which is typically Grades 9-10, students will be attending Wednesday evening Faith Formation sessions (about 2x's/month), which will engage them with Lifeteen's Confirmation Curriculum, Purpose. Purpose looks to answer three big questions: Why God? Why Jesus? Why the Church? Supplemented with prayer, involvement and service, our program works to answer any questions that our Confirmands may have as they prepare for such an exciting sacrament!
Year III (Grade 11)
During the third, and final year, typically Grade 11, Confirmands are challenged to take their faith into their own hands. There are no set class times, rather opportunities for the Confirmands to take initiative to grow deeper in their faith & truly prepare their hearts for the Sacrament. The Sacrament of Confirmation Mass is set for the first Sunday in November. All Confirmands from our deanery parishes attend this Mass together.
Year I & II (Grade 9-10)
During the first two years of the Confirmation Program, which is typically Grades 9-10, students will be attending Wednesday evening Faith Formation sessions (about 2x's/month), which will engage them with Lifeteen's Confirmation Curriculum, Purpose. Purpose looks to answer three big questions: Why God? Why Jesus? Why the Church? Supplemented with prayer, involvement and service, our program works to answer any questions that our Confirmands may have as they prepare for such an exciting sacrament!
Year III (Grade 11)
During the third, and final year, typically Grade 11, Confirmands are challenged to take their faith into their own hands. There are no set class times, rather opportunities for the Confirmands to take initiative to grow deeper in their faith & truly prepare their hearts for the Sacrament. The Sacrament of Confirmation Mass is set for the first Sunday in November. All Confirmands from our deanery parishes attend this Mass together.
Youth Ministry (Grades 7-12)
Our goal as a Youth Ministry Program is to further our parish mission, "Bearing Witness to Christ in Word and Deed." Encouraging our young people to live like Christ in everything they do & striving for sainthood in our daily lives is exactly what St. Bron's Youth Ministry is all about!
Adult Formation
If you are interested in attending adult bible studies, make sure to search the Adult Ministry page on this website. Contact for more details.
For information on the RCIA program, contact Deacon Vern.
If you are interested in attending adult bible studies, make sure to search the Adult Ministry page on this website. Contact for more details.
For information on the RCIA program, contact Deacon Vern.