Welcome to Alpha at St. Bronislava Parish.

We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view; wherever they are on life's journey.
“Come and See” what ALPHA is all about
Sunday, September 8th @ 3:00 PM
at the Mission Coffee House in Plover or
on Monday, September 9th @ 6:00 PM at Holy Spirit Parish in Stevens Point.
If you like what you see, join us for 10 weeks
starting Sept 29/30 at both locations.
at 3:00pm Starting September 29 Mission Coffee House Artist Fare, Plover Rd |
at 6:00pm Starting September 30 Holy Spirit Parish Plover Rd |
Click on the red button above to register for the next session.
Interested in volunteering at Alpha? Click here to
Join the Alpha Team!
What is Alpha?Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith, in a friendly, open and informal environment.
Alpha at St. Bronislava Parish is not so much a course, but an experience! Gathering once a week over an eleven week period, each Alpha brings together people from every walk of life. Who is Alpha for?Alpha is for everyone and anyone. The beauty of Alpha is that there are no questions that are too hostile, too silly or too simple. Alpha has no prerequisites whatsoever. We come together with one another as we are, free to be ourselves.
How does an Alpha Session Work?An Alpha session lasts for 2 hours.
We eat together, we listen to a talk and then we gather together in small groups for discussion. During the discussion portion of the session, you can ask your table mates, who you will meet at the first session, any questions you want. Your table host will ensure the discussion ends on time. I want to come but probably will not know anybody else.Most people come to Alpha without knowing anybody else. By the end of the 11 weeks, most people become good friends. Alpha is great way to meet new people.
How much does Alpha cost?Alpha is free! However, we do share a full meal each week so we will ask for voluntary donations to help offset the cost of food. There will be a retreat toward the end of Alpha that will have a cost per person. However, we never want money to prevent anyone from attending Alpha so we've got you covered if you need assistance.
Do I have to talk and share my thoughts?No! You may remain silent if you wish.
Can I just "come and see" for the first week?Yes. Just register to let us know you're coming (so we have enough food prepared for everyone).
What if I go for a week or two and don't want to continue?At any point, if you think Alpha isn't for you, that's not a problem. There's no pressure and no follow up.
Before I register, I have some questions. Who do I contact?
Questions can be directed by email to alpha@stbrons.com where
someone from our Alpha team will get back to you.
someone from our Alpha team will get back to you.