Even in the midst of this global pandemic, we rejoice in Christ’s Resurrection. His victory over sin and death enables us to trust that in the end all things will be well. Sickness and death will not be the final word for humanity. The Risen Lord promises eternal life for those who have faith in him: “Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:26.)
For the Christian the gift of eternal life begins here and now in this world through faith and the waters of baptism. At Easter the Church invites us to renew our baptismal faith. Bottles of blessed Easter Water will be distributed outside the main entrance of the church on Easter Day from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Take a bottle home and use it to renew your baptism. (Be sure to bring some to any relatives or friends who are homebound at this time.) Be sure to join us live for Easter Sunday Mass at 9:00am! ![]()