Good Friday
Mass is not celebrated on Good Friday. For most of us, these weeks have been a long Good Friday, as we have not been able to gather together to celebrate the Mass. Unique to the liturgy this day is the Veneration of the Cross. The Cross is presented to us, not only as a symbol of suffering, but as the sign of Christ’s victory over sin and death. It is the glorious, life-giving Cross that we venerate on this day.
The hours from noon until 3:00pm today are traditionally a time for silence, as they are the hours when Jesus hung upon the Cross. Today is also a day of both fast and abstinence – no meat and only one full meal. Perhaps this year we can offer our fasting for the sick and all those who are caring for them at this time. On Good Friday you may wish to pray the Stations of the Cross. A special “Way of the Cross in Time of Pandemic” can be found here. Also, please join us for our livestream of the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 12:30pm. ![]()